Friday, October 19, 2007

We live in bolehland

Hey people guess what?Just like our national football squad our government is also is in the bottom world.On Tuesday reporters without borders released a press statement saying Malaysia is now 124th in the world out of 169 for freedom of speech.As much as i am not shocked by us being one of the worst i am down right embarrassed.Heck even ex communist shit hole countries like Cambodia have better ratings than us at 85th place.And we want our so called wawasan 2020>But what the government doesn't understand is that is we do want want to be first world we need at the least freedom of speech. now as you can see here

In Malaysia (124th), Thailand (135th), Vietnam (162nd) and Egypt (146th), for example, bloggers were arrested and news websites were closed or made inaccessible. “We are concerned about the increase in cases of online censorship,” Reporters Without Borders said. “More and more governments have realised that the Internet can play a key role in the fight for democracy and they are establishing new methods of censoring it. The governments of repressive countries are now targeting bloggers and online journalists as forcefully as journalists in the traditional media.”
So is it not just great isn't it we
have fallen 32 places since the abdullah administration.Dont get me wrong i love Pak lah............. even when he is sleeping.He is a very nice guy but of course he is to nice and his little kaki's like Najib and jamaludin Hisamuddin and mr. happy cock climb over his head and rule the country.They are so scared of their misdeeds that they have amended the ISA to get those that speak the truth.WHY?Its simple its election early next year mate and the difference between he last one and this one is that in the time period between those two elections the Malaysian people blogged and used internet freedom and through that many people got to know the truth and the flaws of the BN and they fear us.Bn is streaked with fear of the truth of their inadequateness.

We of course should be happy with what we have some might argue.At least we ain't the bottom of the list.Well that your fucking problem and it the mentality that has constantly stagnated the progress of our country we are happy with what we have.If we are we will never progress but its usual that is usually though a view of an uneducated Malaysian.You want progress?Vote for DAP the next elections at
least its better than pantat BN.I personally wont vote for the blood traitors MCA would you?But that its what it all comes down to hasn't it?Blood and i think we need to eradicate that problem because i am not a Chinese. I am a Malaysian.
And lets all remember to day as the death of Altantuya happened and we all know who should get the blame.KOFFnajibKOFF.Lets take today as the day politicians misused their power.

Well on the good side at least in Malaysia justice has at least another victory.Abdul Malik has finally won the court verdict for his unlawful detainment under the ISA.And Wee choo keong has finally gotten to court for the illegal dismissal of hi status of MP as he was kicked out of office cause BN was afraid.

And finally.................for to day random story .Remember the car blow job scene in scary movie 2?It happened in real life and it cause a 5 car pile up in Malaysia.Check it out here.

Quote of the day
"If you don't for Bn you wont be able to get basic amenities"
Some Bn arsewipe from the 1969 elections



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