TAK BOLEH JALAN! Due to the immense pressure from the government the Malaysian bar council has officially canceled their walk of human rights. This has come to no shock as our minister of misinformation and official Malaysian poster boy has said

Don't hold any form of street protests now as the move will only stir up uneasiness among the people and harm racial unity in the country
NO, in fact through the street more and more Malaysians are enlightened. We are once again unified for a common cause.Fairness,justice,peace,equality,freedom of speech,clean elections.In short? The people once again understand the meaning of a Malaysian Malaysia.Something our forefathers dreamt about and laid its foundations.But somewhere in our journey as country we have gotten lost.More of taken a 180 spin the opposite way and headed to destruction.Oh and by the way dint khairy hold a giant street protest against the US government a couple a years back.

Zainuddin questioned the Bar Council's real motive to organise the walk, which according to him was "only a front under the guise of human rights."
Oh dear me looks like BERSIH and HINDRAF has finally taken its toll on our poor suffering propaganda minister.Yes mr maidin the Bar council actually works for the opposition and those Jewish-American-Zionist imperialistic bastards no?Its real motive is to in fact over throw the government with military help from Singapore while all other bar councils around the world organize peaceful walk of freedom.
"I believe the Bar Council's intention to hold the People's Freedom Walk is to condemn the government under the guise of human rights,"
The question is my comrades that if the walk of freedom has always been allowed for the past few years why stop it now.Why is it that this particular year human rights is only a guise of toppling your government.No,no,no they, comrades are merely afraid of us the people.BERSIH and HINDRAF has shown them what the people can do when riled up with anger.The reason they fear the Walk of freedom is that they are against it.Long have they denied us of the basic right of free speech and free press.

'Any form of street rallies for whatever reasons should not be allowed now as they will only tarnish the nation's image in the eyes of the international community.'
Oh my dear minister we wouldn't dare take your job now would we.Not after the great job you did on Al Jazeera.

"Solutions cannot be found to human rights issues merely by staging street protests. Moreover, such protests will only worsen the current situation in the country,"
YO-YO-YOYOUR! Nonononono you....come here with this ummmm preception that we are unpatriotic people butbutbut we are patriotik people.This.....this..this...this is malaysian government attitude right?We are different TOTALLY DIFFERENT.YOU YOU ARE ERM to project us as urh erm here i mean we demokratik country kan?

Zainuddin said two street rallies held in Kuala Lumpur last month by two non-governmental organisations calling themselves "BERSIH" and Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) had only created adverse effects and aroused the people's anger.
For once in his good for nothing public career Zainuddin says the truth yes the rallies has created adverse effects and aroused the people anger.BUT it has only created the adverse effect for his government and the anger of the people is roused at the government.
These movements these rallies are more than just words they are a symbol.Symbols when backed by people have great power.These are the symbols of their fear soon enough the ISA will come down on people if the situation persist but fear not.Symbols cannot be killed or tortured.It is a simple enough conclusion by saying by simply opposing this humans right events has shown the governments true colors and that is that they indeed are anti-democracy.
Quote of the day
"Love the malay hate the stupidity"
Some protester last year

Don't hold any form of street protests now as the move will only stir up uneasiness among the people and harm racial unity in the country
NO, in fact through the street more and more Malaysians are enlightened. We are once again unified for a common cause.Fairness,justice,peace,equality,freedom of speech,clean elections.In short? The people once again understand the meaning of a Malaysian Malaysia.Something our forefathers dreamt about and laid its foundations.But somewhere in our journey as country we have gotten lost.More of taken a 180 spin the opposite way and headed to destruction.Oh and by the way dint khairy hold a giant street protest against the US government a couple a years back.

Zainuddin questioned the Bar Council's real motive to organise the walk, which according to him was "only a front under the guise of human rights."
Oh dear me looks like BERSIH and HINDRAF has finally taken its toll on our poor suffering propaganda minister.Yes mr maidin the Bar council actually works for the opposition and those Jewish-American-Zionist imperialistic bastards no?Its real motive is to in fact over throw the government with military help from Singapore while all other bar councils around the world organize peaceful walk of freedom.
"I believe the Bar Council's intention to hold the People's Freedom Walk is to condemn the government under the guise of human rights,"
The question is my comrades that if the walk of freedom has always been allowed for the past few years why stop it now.Why is it that this particular year human rights is only a guise of toppling your government.No,no,no they, comrades are merely afraid of us the people.BERSIH and HINDRAF has shown them what the people can do when riled up with anger.The reason they fear the Walk of freedom is that they are against it.Long have they denied us of the basic right of free speech and free press.

'Any form of street rallies for whatever reasons should not be allowed now as they will only tarnish the nation's image in the eyes of the international community.'
Oh my dear minister we wouldn't dare take your job now would we.Not after the great job you did on Al Jazeera.

"Solutions cannot be found to human rights issues merely by staging street protests. Moreover, such protests will only worsen the current situation in the country,"
YO-YO-YOYOUR! Nonononono you....come here with this ummmm preception that we are unpatriotic people butbutbut we are patriotik people.This.....this..this...this is malaysian government attitude right?We are different TOTALLY DIFFERENT.YOU YOU ARE ERM to project us as urh erm here i mean we demokratik country kan?

Zainuddin said two street rallies held in Kuala Lumpur last month by two non-governmental organisations calling themselves "BERSIH" and Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) had only created adverse effects and aroused the people's anger.
For once in his good for nothing public career Zainuddin says the truth yes the rallies has created adverse effects and aroused the people anger.BUT it has only created the adverse effect for his government and the anger of the people is roused at the government.
These movements these rallies are more than just words they are a symbol.Symbols when backed by people have great power.These are the symbols of their fear soon enough the ISA will come down on people if the situation persist but fear not.Symbols cannot be killed or tortured.It is a simple enough conclusion by saying by simply opposing this humans right events has shown the governments true colors and that is that they indeed are anti-democracy.
Quote of the day
"Love the malay hate the stupidity"
Some protester last year
Labels: the world acording to mike
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