Saturday, November 24, 2007

HINDRAF! Another case of malaysian idiots..

Hey.Ok ok fine look i am not totally against HINDRAF infact i support it.............well mostly.I love how the idians are taking the incentives to fight when MIC has failed them for their rights Yeah i love the part about

1.Suing the government about demolishing hindu temples.(about high time to radicalist payed for what they did)

2.Claiming equal rights.( Aren't we all?)

3.Justice for being down trodden and marginalized.(as they are true enough it time for them to step up and fight)

But what it don't agree with is...................

4.Suing the UK government for 4 trillion USD(thats 1 million bucks for each Indian in Malaysia)

I mean what the bloody fuck.Are you people stupid or just high.I mean for the love of god you suing an empire that doesn't exist anymore for something that happened 150 years ago which was problably the best fucking thing to happen to your race since the bloody Taj mahal.

I mean sure you have been marginalized but what you want to stay in a shit hole country like India where the poverty rate is bellow 2 USD a day?Look i agree things here might suck balls but at least you ain't eating shit for breakfast lunch and dinner everyday.I really hate to sound like some UMNO radical BUT really this is really a case for "You tak suka Malaysia you keluar!".I mean come to your bloody senses man if you have got a chance of winning this case(Which by the way is most likely to be thrown out due to lunacy) then i have as much chance as seeing pigs fly while i bone Jessica Alba!

Look there are flaws in our country and some of them are really unjust.And sure Semi value as just much right to lead Indians as Hitler has to persecuting Saddam of war crimes.But seriously if you do want to be taken seriously do protest but for the love of god don't go around ask the Queen of bloody england to elect a lawyer to defeat herself and not only that but put her own government in a huge debt.And plus lets just say if pigs do fly and i really do get to bone Jessica alba how are you going to distribute the money.Its a pure logistical error and nothing more than a cheap scheme to get every Indian rich or perhaps put some of the money into your own pocket.Furthermore when this get out to the international community you will be causing us more shame than ZAM ever did so please clear the mutton curry out of your brain and start thinking straight.

My message to my Indian rebellious brethren? GO and pick a good leader and just this time make sure he isn't retarded or high and then maybe we have something to fight for.But for not its just another case of Malaysian idiots

Quote of the day
"If its a malay problem its a national problem.If its a chinese problem its a race problem.If its an indian problem then its no problem.
Thats what got us here in the first place.



Blogger dylan lee said...

"I mean sure you have been marginalized but what you want to stay in a shit hole country like India where the poverty rate is bellow 2 USD a day?"

Guess why the country was so crappy? It was exploited by the who again? THE BRITISH

"Look i agree things here might suck balls but at least you ain't eating shit for breakfast lunch and dinner everyday.I mean come to your bloody senses man if you have got a chance of winning this case(Which by the way is most likely to be thrown out due to lunacy) then i have as much chance as seeing pigs fly while i bone Jessica Alba!"

Dude. The country is only, ONLY in it's 50th year of independence. If the marginalisation continues, who's to say they won't be eating shit? HUH? So the case is never gonna be won. At least it brought a normally scattered Indian community together.

"My message to my Indian rebellious brethren? GO and pick a good leader and just this time make sure he isn't retarded or high and then maybe we have something to fight for.But for not its just another case of Malaysian idiots"

It's hard to pick a good leader when a vast majority of the people (guess who?) vote for the National Line.


1:45 AM  
Blogger realfatshady said...

Yes dylan but the act means suing an empire that doesnt exist for something that happened 150 years ago.I mean dude grow up.The leaders are either crackpots or conman of hindraf.Suing the brits is just absurd.
It is only the 50th of independence so what we ahve to do fight for our rights fight against UMNO not sue the british government who doesnt give 2 fucks about us anyways.
So finding good leaders is hard bo hoo thats life mate.Deal with it and find a good one there has to be one out there ok.

2:33 AM  

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