Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tak apelah atitude

Remember when jeff ooi and rockybru were both sued for defamation by the NTSP and various high ranking government officials.The world mate or at least ours have gone mad.I mean cant bloggers just get a break?They write the truth and what happens they get sued.Just great since when was telling the truth a crime?I have said this before and i will say it again they are reeked with fear.We live in a country where people prefer to live in lies that in the truth simply because it is easier to.Remember how May 13th was swept under the carpet?How about altantuya"s murder haven't heard much since then have we?

The simple truth is that our country might have started out good with the spirit of equality and muhibbah but from since then it has gone wrong.New rules making other races including the country's indigenous people second class citizens and handing power to some illegal immigrants from Palembang who's only claim to fame was a king that died hundreds of years ago.And who can forget the biggest conspiracy of May 13.Or the draconian ISA rules that till to this day stop the progression of truth and freedom in our country.And who can forget Abdul Malek.He might have won a great victory indeed yes.

He is now in all but bank statements a millionaire.But will the goverment pay up?The answer and by the way statistically is a big fat NO.Mr.Ronnie liu who won a RM21k suit against the government half a year ago still has not been paid.Now if those cheap bastards at the government cant bay 21k what are the chances of the m paying 2.5 million?And soon again this will be swept under the carpet to be forgotten as our government strives on this their people forgetting their flaws and moving on their past mistakes completely annulled and then they stay happy.Mark my words this will be swept under the carpet to be nothing more than a memory.

Quote of the day
Though we have never met or spoke to all Malaysian socio political bloggers we all have the same cause which is the truth.BLOGGERS UNITED WILL NEVER FAIL.
Anonymous one of the founders of blogger united



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