Wednesday, June 13, 2007

i have got some things to clarify

Well to clarify things.I am NOT a racist.Allright sit down buckle up here we go.I do apologise for a long post without highlights to make it easier to read but i think it stays better this way so all i ask you to give your 5 minutes for my two pence of thoughts.And if you are still reading by the end go to exrynas blog and do discuss this matter.

Look ok i have read ezryns blog about racism and i understand about how she feels i mean i dont blame her mother's family for disowning her.I dont want to say i will take the high road here but.....yeah if my daughter married a malay i would disown her and it would be the same if i had a son.But still i feel compassion for ezryna i am after all1/16th malay right.But no i dont remotely know any malays to be relatives.Its the problem with malaysia isnt it we all want to be idealistic about a malaysian Malaysia....unfotunately "the malaysian malaysia" utopia of freedom of religion and racial harmony is often differently interpreted by all three different races.

People call me a racist well maybe i can be sometimes but i dont think i can be.My good friend since standard 5 is a malay.Until one week ago he still gave me his project in skool.And as for indians every heard of ryan pereira.Look my point is yeah i dont like malays as a race in general not a person.I admit no one is perfect my race has produced boh sias, ah lians&bengs,bai ling and loan sharks in general.Look my problem with the malay race is that they include race and religion in to the national its not that they "deserve it" i mean they are just immigrants from palembang and if anyone needs the bumiputra laws its the orang asli that are still stuck inside the kampung.

Ladies and Gents we live in a country where the constitution contradicts itself.In one line it say freedom of religion........and in another Islam is the official religion.Dont think i have proof look at hilmi or lina joys case.Hasnt history taught ayone is this country a lesson?Tell me which country that is first world has religion in their constitution none zilch.United states of America,Japan,England,Germany all first world countrys.What do they have in common no religions in their constitution.

Look at Lina Joy the high court just sent her back to the shariah court.Tell me do you send a apostate to a bunch of old muslim farts to be judgeg whether she is muslim or not?Thats the problem look have your damn shariah courts just dont mess with our lives the high court should have absolute power shariah court should only deal with muslims.And they dont allow Inter faith commisions but yet The Defenders of Islam spokesman Yusri Mohd said the verdict was"fair and just"now tell me what kind of person considers the infringement of the basic human rights as "fair and just"."you cant just change you religion at every whim and fancy" said Ahmad Fairuz....excuse me dear sir but this woman has fought with the court of law for ten years does it not prove that she is a christian?

Muslims ungrateful they are they are allowed freedom to preach their religion have mosques in teh west yet in their own homes they persecute their own people.Yes my stance has not changed...nope not much as god said love thy enemy they are still my enemy.Bad blood runs through our veins since 1969 and no as much as we try to cover it up with muhibah crap it is still there like or not.We have been fighting since Ishmael and Isaac and i dont we ll change until the trumpet sounds.We might not be killing each other with AK-47s like Somalians but it is still bad.I told you a year ago and i will say it again a war will come.Like 13 Mei 1969 it is invietable.The important thing is whose side will you be on?

As for Lina Joy take her identity card for a card is nothing but paper and plastic i know and she knows that she is a christian and a card means nothing to god.As for Islam sorry but i cannot say i like a religion that says right in their holy book that it is ok to kill that its ok to beat your wife and a rape vicitm has to have for male witnesses or she will be prosecuted for having sex.But i can respect a few muslims as a person Salahuddin,Mahatir,Jaafar are some examples.Its ok to be friends with muslims and indians muhibah as far fetched as it might be is still an ideal future.And maybe someday when the dust settles there will be muhibbah but now....not for now.

Quote of the day
"yes you are my enemy but enemys can still show respect"
Salahuddin 1188 ad to balian son of godfrey



Blogger Starwolfgang said...

Oh Mr X, you say you are not racist yet I think you didn't bother to read the blog entry you posted.

"i dont like malays as a race in general not a person"

The world is so much bigger than you and you know that, why not greet it with poise and humility? There is a life outside of Malaysia and what you think is "racism" against the Chinese. One day I hope you will experience it with open eyes.

As they always say Jesus was a can we ever point the finger?

oh as for state religions Britain has the Church of England and many of the Scandanvian countries (all first world Denmark, Iceland, Norway...) have state is not just the crazed "muslim" countries.

11:57 PM  

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