The birthday

Hey ppl.Just got back from church camp yesterday and me and my mom prepared for Christmas eve dinner with my extended family tonight.Camp was fun and my elders said i have found my true calling or something.In fact i think Christmas is such a big thing for me and most Christians i think i will have to triple post about my Christmas happenings.But this time its not about making jokes about Santa shitting down your chimney. I am going to break one of my blog major rules.I was never going to blog about my religion its just a personal thing.But i figured if he could die for me then i suppose i will do yennies tag so i could write for him.Because as cliche as this sounds Christmas ain't about Santa its about Jesus.
But Christmas is in fact about gifts or one gift in particular actually the gift of life.And that gift of life came in a small bundle of clothes and was laid in a manger.The gift was just the son of a carpenter and his virgin wife.But the gift was the greatest gift of all.
I might not be the very religious type but every time i hear the story about jesus a tear comes to my eye.He might not be born on the 25th but its a good day to commemorate him.Because(now i am not dissing anyones religion here) it most other religions you have to come to god whether its a pilgrimage to Mecca or climbing 1000 steps up a temple or piercing you selve with spikes this is what people to do be with their god.But our god said came down to us.He was willing to degrade his own holiness to be come us humans.Now that my friend is love.
He came from heaven to earth to show us the way.He died for me you and everyone else.He has always been there for me but sad to say i have never always been there for him.I don't know about you but i think the man that died for my sins and the sins of the world deserves some admiration.
Because of him i think i have become a better person.Yes i believe in a god that i cant see.Its because god in a way is like air you cant see or grab it.But you can always feel it hear it and you always need it.I am human and i always will fail.But i thank god that i have someone looking after me.Because just like me my friends and family are human and they will fail me.But my heavenly father and savior always watches my back.
Of course my atheist friends like jc had a big debate on this but this is not the time.But i really want to tell you is that GOD is LOVE.And he still loves me even though i sin.He forgives me for all my wrongs.
So when you tuck into your Christmas dinner of turkey, pudding and soup in your comfortable homes tonight just remember that 2000 years ago a baby boy was born to a poor carpenter and his virgin wife in a stable and laid in a manger and they did not have presents or all of those rich foods and wines but instead oddly enough the greatest gift in the world was there.And what a difference he made.
Quote of the day
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
I shall do my usual Santa bashing and the recodings of me making christmas dinner l8r.
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