Tuesday, March 13, 2007

the holidays

hey people i know i am a bit late but the holidays have officially started.Which means non stop porn surfing/tfking for ppl like u noe hu addictive dota usage alas and of course the ever popular post by the cute bloggers like"Do you think my newhaircut/bracelet/thong/whatever looks good" and of course tons of camwhoring,Oh by the way the return of the holidays also mans yes you got it rite my amazingly gay bracelet from africa!
SO anyway we went for an all gay outing to oneU cuz the girls could not come.so it was me timmy josh alas jc sean lionel.Got there first then waited for junchuen to buy tickets. we decided to see 300 the most testosterone fueled movie this year and leonidas man boobs are sexy as one very gay reviewer of the movie said"Hey with so much nearly naked man with huge boobs i definately recomand it to everyone".Anyway me and jc bought the tickets jc memang looks old so i tiptoed and lowered my voice in to some kind of gruff 18 year old.And the guy let us buy and we were like shit we got in.
But then again when were wat the check in place the guy let us go.But then this bastard came and ask him wat movie we were watching then all of a sudden he said mana ic and we were like erm we are all 18 we could ahve gotten thru if not fer josh damit he said 15 years old and even the guys were like you dont look 15 lols.Anyways jc said the most likely to get caught fer underage was josh and alas followed by me and lionel but tim and jc got thru ok.but for semagat kekawanan they stayed with us and mourned over the loss of 300 .Yeah and we saw chengyee but i dont think shwe wanted to say hi cuz we were all swearing and making damn loud noises cuz we were pissed off at the sinema guys SO GSC ASSHOLES IF U DONT WANT TO LET US IN DONT FUCKING SELL US THE TICKETS OK.so we just basically walked around the entire oneU from one end to the other end and ate sushi went to mph to read books and stuff.
ahh sigh 300.so full off ying we are going to die speeches like tonight we dine in hell.anyway where was i?
rite we finally got a new blogger Junchuen and alas i never mentioned him before as he never used to update but now that he is he can join the small ranks off male bloggers.I think got has answered my prayer after failures like alexander loh.What can i say about jun chuens blog let me put it this way he reminds me of me when i first started bloggin fresh and the need to change the the blogosphere always angry like i was.I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH FEMALE BLOGGER THEM ALL OFF THEM ACTING LIKE THEY ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!fuck la junchuen i think he will cool down after a while i mean he cant stay this way all the time do it sparingly junchuen and if you want to be semi pornografik then atleast put on tasteful pictures ok .not full of ur ugly sluts.oh and last ly i would like to tell the world that alastair the king of fong fei kei finally did come to one of our outings to prove he is not adicted to dota.

Quote of the day
"OMFG what a damn shame here we are the loudest noisiet rule breaking gang in form 3 and we jsut got kicked out of the cinemas.I dont noe where to hide my face alredy



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