Wednesday, June 27, 2007

i think the hilton hotel is better than jail.Dont you?

well she isnt crying anymore now is she.Yes people paris hilton was released yesterday after serving only 23 out of 45 days of her IUD sentence.And hey i saw her walkl out of prison man she was fudgin hawt.And i think she is the only inmate not to be raped by a lesbian while in prison.But imagine it for once mate one night in paris without a sosej.Now wouldnt that be nice.

Meanwhile the CF had this really good pastor quite truthful man he tells it the way it is.And to belive that he is related to matthews pfft.I suppose you dont have to psycho to be realted to her.And hey beside being entertaining what a good reason not to see fachang.Wait for my big post on friday if i do remember to post.

And beside today during sports we had no ball beause the malay bugger from the next skool stole two of them and yesterday a form 4 guy busted one.SO for some reason alexandra brought a ball eventhough she is a girl.BUT she wouldnt let us play with it beause she scared we ll lose it and two she wants to play.I mean it soo obviously stupid i mean a girl play football its as likely as hiken flying.Sure there are good women football playes but tahts beside the point isnt it.GIrls dont play football period.Its a mans game and the only reason we dont let her play is that she will get hurt very badly.After she is jkust a girl playing with boy what would matthews say if we made her ry.This obviously sparked a debate OH!kengyee trisha and xio yun.Still man as a half baked half arsed football player i am i still know that girls playing football does nothing but destroy the beautiful game.And i am not the only one that thinks so.

Quote of the day
"girls playing football.WTF its like desecrating the field man.GIrls ant play football.
Jonatha Yeoh Choong Yoong



Blogger Starwolfgang said...

Wow racist and now sexist anything else from such a fine up-standing citizen?

8:43 PM  

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