Monday, September 15, 2008

Sept 16 the big fuss

So yeah.i have been gone for a while.Infact i swore of blogging tills the exams are over.So my blog was put into hiatus but here is something important enough for me to give a short post about.And i think we all guessed what its all about.September the 16th.The takeovers.The arrest.Malaysia day. Ahh it is so the drama.

But of course any government that is facing such an uprising it is hardly suprising that now the UMNO big shot are once again hiding behind their biggest weapon.The ISA. Time after time it has been used and even more frequently in our countrys currently tumultuous times.It is a dark time for Malaysia.A wise men once said those who are in power are often blinded by it.I coulndt agree more. How much bullshit do they think we are going to take?Let take a look shall we.Those in red are my comments

JOHOR BARU: Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said no more arrests are expected under the Internal Security Act (ISA) but it would depend on the situation of public order.OH right i forgot.Its 69' again and there are race riots no?

”We are not making arrests just for the sake of arrests." Oh yeah.You release a reporter after 18 hours.It like saying people dont watch porn to get aroused.

We will not make any more arrests under ISA as long as there is no more disturbance to peace and public order,” he said. RPK and Teresa are communist now are they?

Speaking on the one-day arrest of Sin Chew Daily News reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, who was arrested under the ISA, he said Tan was detained under Section 73(1) of the Act in order to ensure her safety. Then take her into protective custody...Since when was ISA used to protect people?

"He added that police intelligence indicated that there were threats to her life after she reported on Bukit Bendera division Umno chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s allegedly racist remarks." No shit.Arrest the person who reported the fire and not the arsonist.I totally understand that sort of logic.

Asked on the detention of Selangor senior executive councillor Teresa Kok, Syed Hamid said she was arrested due to her comments on mosques and the Azan recently. What did she say again?

"Her comments have created public disorder and problems,” he said Yeah the Seputeh chinese and Malays people must be killing each other now.

and Well men in desperate situation do desperate things.All of this isn't going to help them one bit.Any political anylyst wort 2 cents heck even a sixteen year old kid like me can tell that this is all leading them down the shit hole.Which lead me to my next topic the fabled day of september the 16th. Malaysia day. The supposed Anwar take over.

Anwar Ibrahim once golden boy of UMNO and now their greatest enemy has set the date for him to claim what he thinks is rightfully his.The post of prime minister of Malaysia.Had it not been for the 97' financial crisis he would have long been our Prime minister and under such st ron leader BN would have went on with its long rule.The opposition like most of the times will be unheard off.Anyway as of press time anwar ibrahim has exactly 25 hours to do what he swore he would do.I am not doubting the man.Just saying that it is highly unlikely.But we shall see.

Times and allegiances have changed now.All is needed is 30 seats to tip the scale.But what Anwar chooses to ignore is that by having 30 MPs crossing over he would have totally disrespected the choices and the rights of the residents of 30 constituencys.Now i am no fan of BN staying in power but when you start a regime by disrespecting the views of the people then in my opinion your on the same slippery hill as BN and the only way is down.

And how long does Anwar expect to keep peace and unity? BN is already unstable enough with a 30 seat majority and now Anwar wants to rule with a one seat majority?Dear my now that sounds unstable.But desperate times call for desperate measures eh?

The times have changed in the once mighty and unified BN the first voices of dissent are being heard outside of UMNO Gerakan MIC and MCA have started hitting out on their former bosses.Dissentful they are.But even the great momentum of the Pakatan Rakyat has its own unity flaws. TH ey might be very understanding now but the reason that they have never fought over power is that there was never any to start with.Just like cases where they shared power it all ended in bitter spats. The question is how long can a party divided rule without fighting among themselves?

Meanwhile i shall prepare for my exams might update sparingly if anything importan comes up.But more likely than not majority of my post and when my blog will be taken out from stasis is when coincidentally the UMNO General Assembly starts.And then we will have some fun seeing the squabbling idiotic cowards fight over power..............................Well thats if they have any left


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