Friday, May 16, 2008

examination poetry

HI all.Its the exams.Which means in about a months time my parents are going to skrew me for not studying.On the other hand my old man is retiring in a few weeks although he might go back to work in a few months or start of next year.

This will be more or less a filler.No politics today people.After all yahya warns me that i will be eventually the youngest person to be ISA-ed if i dont stop. Fine then here is some thing light hearted. I fucked up my add maths hence not knowing half the questions and mindlessly drooling half the paper i managed to write some risque even though provoking poetry during creative shocks.There fore here this one goes...............

Miss leong miss leong miss leong
As much as i would like to help you de stress
And i know you would to fall into my sweet caress
But my focus is not between you sweet eyes
but what is soft and warm between your thighs

Look i know is sounds wrong but.........and i hate leong for add math but.....its like H.P lovecraft you know when he talks about loving his mom and taking her into his bed.ITs not like he wanted to its just a form of artistic expression my friends.Like would you call a woman a lesbian if she has a naked painting of a woman on her wall?

There are other poems but i have decided against publishing's them due to the unfinished nature(i plan to turn em into songs) but my sheep should know about one. so until the ends of the exams.see you ppl

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Thursday, May 08, 2008


RPK has just been bailed out.He agreed to it.However the candle light vigil for his cause at dataran merdeka will still go on.We are with you pete.

Note:i might not blog in thenext 2 week


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

................And Justice For All

The title of Metallica's sort-of-kinda concept album about the ends of justice, nuclear war,rape, the right to die and insanity.The title song describes it all. It describe Lady Justice which has been raped and bribed with money.Unfortunately "And Justice for all" now also can correctly represent Malaysia's current Justice scenario.The courts are owned by the ruling party. The ISA and Seditions act are repeatedly used by the ruling party to silence anyone who dares to stand up.Remember Anwar Ibrahim,Nat Tan and the rest?

In the aftermath of the 8th General Elections the prime minister promised a change.In a desperate attempt to win back the people he promised to free the internet and not to use the ISA as his ruling rod anymore.And especially after the 3rd of may which happens to be World Press Freedom day.The government has once again chosen to ignore it and incarcerate a blogger.Yes people i am writing about Raja Petra Kamarudin(RPK) the nephew of one of the Sultans of Selangor.One Malaysia's most influential and greatest bloggers has been captured and thrown in to jail based on the Seditions Act.He is currently held in Sungai Buloh Prison and is refusing jail and apparently food due to principle issues. He now most likely will stay in jail until his trial date which is the 6.10,2008 which means a good 4 months spent in jail,This although wont be the first time.He was thrown in to jail under the ISA act.

Now you be wondering why was this man thrown into jail?Well that because of his now famous article "Lets Send Altantuya Murderers to Hell" remember her you sick bastards? Forgot her haven't you? After the media spotlight goes down you conveniently go back to your lives and ignore her murder.I cant blame you the government as much as i hate to sound like a broken record is to be blamed.In the past half a year her case has conveniently been postponed and most likely swept under the carpet.Possibly because of all the people this case will implement if it is solved.

Now i dont want to turn this post in to some conspiracy theory so i will leave it at that. The thing is RPK is held under the Seditions act.Now we must ask our selves is this a real charge or premeditated coup?IN his blog RPK has already stated that in a close door UMNO meeting he was targeted as one of the main reason for BN's fall in the GE .As to put it in the words of a UMNO youth leader "We must arrest RPK".Even before a few days before his arrest the DPM(Najib) and his wife we found making retorts to RPK's article.I am not backing RPK's allegations here but i beleive he should not go to jail for it.Tell me how is accusing one person of murder can be considered an act of national treason and threfore a danger of national security?Remember the Bill Clinton sex scandal? Did he use the secret service on those that exposed him?But then again TIM.(This Is Malaysia)

If Najib and his wife are offended by RPK's article they could just as well sue him over it.But no we live in Bolehland where the abuse of power is allowed.Therefore RPK now rots in one of Sungai Buloh Prison's cells while greedy rich and powerful politicians get to enjoy themselves while some one else cleans up their dirty misdeeds.

Truth be told i don't think the Altantuya case will never be served justice.After all we can't incarcerate a potential PM can we?This is why UMNO, should Pakatan Rakyat succeed in their current jobs must be voted out of power.But even then i believe the case would have gone cold.

“Just because you operate in cyberspace does not mean that you are absolved from having to comply with the nation’s laws,”
Najib Razak

Well Najib just remember just because one is the descendant of a founding father of malaysia and a big shot politician does not mean that you are absolved from having to comply with the nation’s laws either.

Quote of the day
Halls of Justice Painted Green
Money Talking
Justice Is Lost
Justice Is Raped
Justice Is Gone
Lady Justice Has Been Raped
Truth Assassin

James Hetfield(Metallica)
Rock god


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Who you calling monkey?

Ahh well this might be the last post for the next 3 weeks.Exams are coming up mind you which means.I will try to study but will most problably end up sleeping so this blog might not be updated but in recent the parliament

This big foot
called an opposition mp.A monkey

Of course this spread chaos in the parliament as well it now looks as thought its a zoo.In fact its a fucking circus. These newly elected guys have once again have shown the emotional maturity of a 2 year old.A very badly behaved 2 year old i might add.SO your question is why should i waste 30 minutes watching parliament sessions?

The answer is simple.Why do we watch American Idol auditions?Because its fun to laugh at the retards.


all rights are not reserved but if u rip anything of without my permission i will have to sexyfy u and u dont want that. TM MiKe.2007.LTD