Saturday, October 27, 2007

20 years later..........

By this time now 20 years ago hundreds of innocent people were being uploaded on to buses on to concentration camps all around our country.Why?Another case of fear from Mahathir who apparently towards the end of his reign saw his mistakes.This was as he nearly lost UMNO presidency to another member.So to consolidate ehis power after the narrow win he took out all those that posed a threat head opposition leader leavers of Islam and various political activist and in that span of time violated just about every single humans right law in the book.He also destroyed the freedom of the press by suspending their licenses.Again history is about to repeat itself as you can see the government once again is coming down hard on the freedom of speech of the people.Be careful with the way things are going on currently its might not be soon until we have Ops Lalang 2.So remember remember the 27th of october.

Its times like these we need strong and dynamic leaders.But we have got Pak Lah.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Puki Mak kepada orang kurang upaya

The term puki mak which in literal sense fuck your mom in crude Malay street slang.And once again UMNO politicians show up in the most revered Dewan Rakyat and act like little kids fighting in the play ground.I mean come on not that i am a Anglophile or anything but for the love of god do you think our former English masters go around in the House of parliament saying fuck your mom?And one more thing this fickle minded immature politician aimed this at a temporarily wheelchair bound person who happens to be a co-leader of the Opposition.It is apparent that he also said you are now in a wheel chair because God punished you.

What is this Mp trying to imply by saying that to karpal singh?Are all disabled people the way they are because the divine decided to punish them?I find this comment highly repulsive and not to mention nauseating that a very MP would say this and possibly insult his own voters who are disabled!If this is divine punishment then if God had sense of fairness then this MP would be in a much worse situation.And then again to have a infantile mind without a sense of decency is a bad enough punishment i suppose.

You know sometimes i wonder how is it such a lewd idiot even manage to graduate kindergarten much less be elected a MP.But then again he is a Malay and a UMNO member where mental retardation and lack of common decency is one of the major criteria for membership.Of course you can expect this when their Youth Chief greatest achievement to date is to hang out with mat rempits and fucking the prime ministers daughter.I think the stem of this problem is that the people don't vote for the DAP as their members gain access to parliamentary seat through hard work and brains unlike UMNO members that gain their seats because their great grandfather played golf with Tunku Abdul Rahman.To see more political idiots check this out

And again he also said Karpal singh was a chialat and kaw kaw.When was the last times i heard those words?Oh yeah when i was playing with a bunch of extremely rude Malay friends who have thank god by now grew up.

Quote of the day
"Malaysia ini negara sekular."
Karpal singh
finally something that makes sense


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dumbledore is gay!

Aren't you a wandering the corridors a little to late my boy?I think you should come to my office for a "special punishment" and don't worry the pain in the arse will go away eventually.

In a shocking turn of events J.k Rowling the author of the harry potter series has now announced that Hogwarts esteemed headmaster was in fact a faggot because simply he likes it up his ass.Mr.Dumbledore though unknown to many harry potter readers until the seventh book to be just "great friends" with the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald.Although now it has been revieiled that in fact they were both gay with Albus being the faggot.Oh imagine it the tragic love story of two wizards.Brokeback Hogwarts anyone?In fact for good measure check this gay Harry Potter you tube clips out it might explain everything.As for jk rowling smart career move since you are already on the catholic churches shit list might as well give them another reason to burn your books eh.You know i never thoguh Dumbledore was staright or gay i just thought he was so magically wizened and powerful he didnt need any sex and if he did he just conjure the hottest booty hoes that the world can imagine.
This to me might explain why Dumbledore was shall we say inclined to give Harry "private lessons" and forgive Snape?Or J.K rowling beastiality theme with Aberforth getting it on with goats?Or how can we forget interspecies sex with harry and dobby?
Meanwhile i am going of to shopping with my mummy cuz well she has no one to shop with.

QUote of the day
"Mrs.Rowling will albus dumbledore ever find true love?
"Oh he has.Dumbledore is gay.
10 year old to jk rowling

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tak apelah atitude

Remember when jeff ooi and rockybru were both sued for defamation by the NTSP and various high ranking government officials.The world mate or at least ours have gone mad.I mean cant bloggers just get a break?They write the truth and what happens they get sued.Just great since when was telling the truth a crime?I have said this before and i will say it again they are reeked with fear.We live in a country where people prefer to live in lies that in the truth simply because it is easier to.Remember how May 13th was swept under the carpet?How about altantuya"s murder haven't heard much since then have we?

The simple truth is that our country might have started out good with the spirit of equality and muhibbah but from since then it has gone wrong.New rules making other races including the country's indigenous people second class citizens and handing power to some illegal immigrants from Palembang who's only claim to fame was a king that died hundreds of years ago.And who can forget the biggest conspiracy of May 13.Or the draconian ISA rules that till to this day stop the progression of truth and freedom in our country.And who can forget Abdul Malek.He might have won a great victory indeed yes.

He is now in all but bank statements a millionaire.But will the goverment pay up?The answer and by the way statistically is a big fat NO.Mr.Ronnie liu who won a RM21k suit against the government half a year ago still has not been paid.Now if those cheap bastards at the government cant bay 21k what are the chances of the m paying 2.5 million?And soon again this will be swept under the carpet to be forgotten as our government strives on this their people forgetting their flaws and moving on their past mistakes completely annulled and then they stay happy.Mark my words this will be swept under the carpet to be nothing more than a memory.

Quote of the day
Though we have never met or spoke to all Malaysian socio political bloggers we all have the same cause which is the truth.BLOGGERS UNITED WILL NEVER FAIL.
Anonymous one of the founders of blogger united


Friday, October 19, 2007

We live in bolehland

Hey people guess what?Just like our national football squad our government is also is in the bottom world.On Tuesday reporters without borders released a press statement saying Malaysia is now 124th in the world out of 169 for freedom of speech.As much as i am not shocked by us being one of the worst i am down right embarrassed.Heck even ex communist shit hole countries like Cambodia have better ratings than us at 85th place.And we want our so called wawasan 2020>But what the government doesn't understand is that is we do want want to be first world we need at the least freedom of speech. now as you can see here

In Malaysia (124th), Thailand (135th), Vietnam (162nd) and Egypt (146th), for example, bloggers were arrested and news websites were closed or made inaccessible. “We are concerned about the increase in cases of online censorship,” Reporters Without Borders said. “More and more governments have realised that the Internet can play a key role in the fight for democracy and they are establishing new methods of censoring it. The governments of repressive countries are now targeting bloggers and online journalists as forcefully as journalists in the traditional media.”
So is it not just great isn't it we
have fallen 32 places since the abdullah administration.Dont get me wrong i love Pak lah............. even when he is sleeping.He is a very nice guy but of course he is to nice and his little kaki's like Najib and jamaludin Hisamuddin and mr. happy cock climb over his head and rule the country.They are so scared of their misdeeds that they have amended the ISA to get those that speak the truth.WHY?Its simple its election early next year mate and the difference between he last one and this one is that in the time period between those two elections the Malaysian people blogged and used internet freedom and through that many people got to know the truth and the flaws of the BN and they fear us.Bn is streaked with fear of the truth of their inadequateness.

We of course should be happy with what we have some might argue.At least we ain't the bottom of the list.Well that your fucking problem and it the mentality that has constantly stagnated the progress of our country we are happy with what we have.If we are we will never progress but its usual that is usually though a view of an uneducated Malaysian.You want progress?Vote for DAP the next elections at
least its better than pantat BN.I personally wont vote for the blood traitors MCA would you?But that its what it all comes down to hasn't it?Blood and i think we need to eradicate that problem because i am not a Chinese. I am a Malaysian.
And lets all remember to day as the death of Altantuya happened and we all know who should get the blame.KOFFnajibKOFF.Lets take today as the day politicians misused their power.

Well on the good side at least in Malaysia justice has at least another victory.Abdul Malik has finally won the court verdict for his unlawful detainment under the ISA.And Wee choo keong has finally gotten to court for the illegal dismissal of hi status of MP as he was kicked out of office cause BN was afraid.

And finally.................for to day random story .Remember the car blow job scene in scary movie 2?It happened in real life and it cause a 5 car pile up in Malaysia.Check it out here.

Quote of the day
"If you don't for Bn you wont be able to get basic amenities"
Some Bn arsewipe from the 1969 elections


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

sometimes it makes you wonder

i just saw this video.All of you should man.Though i constantly criticize our government i love Malaysia i just strive to make it a better place.Which it cannot progress under the rule of arsewipes like UMNO.When i see this it makes me feel why i need to do the things i do so do watch it.And my condolences to the tioman disaster a more rantful post when i get my mojo back because the goverment did cause


Thursday, October 11, 2007

So blame the Malays.Why?Cuz the malays are to blame

Note:you might not be able to read this as it is a emo rant please wait for the nect post

Oh sure i am hypocritical racist sexist bigot.But hey as my aptitude test in school says i am idealistic.Its true i do believe in a Malaysian Malaysia. I therefore have the right nay the privelage to fight for a more Malaysian Malaysia.I am NOT a racist i have always believed and have often said it is a people and a mindset problem we have....Just so happens the people with mindset problems happen to be Malays in Malaysia.Hey wasn't my fault that they are that way years of being protected by the NEP and the British did that to them.I want to be a politician.Yes and thanks to jonong and co i have voters.First act in office abolish NEP.Second for make all religious status equal.Abolish sharia courts.Make sure PAS is destroyed.And yeah make the media free instead of the stupid press license that keeps them like dogs to BN.
Look man i believe that Malays are of equal status of any of us its just that like i told most of them are fucked.Azim and azfar are perfect examples of Malays that are not fucked for the one that are fucked well go see khairy jamaludin and his funky bunch.I mean how did oxford ever produce such an idiot?I mean we live in a a very beautiful country.What other country can have a certain amount of unity with the amount of fighting going on outsiders don't know about we are Malaysian my dear comrades and no one will ever understand or grasp the concept of our country except us.I have a dream of a unified Malaysia modern and first world.Its the BN that stands in the way of our real unity they want us dis unified because of their ignorance.
Tunku Jaafar was right all along UMNO should have been made for all races.Sadly all the ignorant ungrateful bastards kicked out their own founder.With that he is a tragic genius misunderstood a revolutionary way ahead of his time.Its is true what lee kuan yew said what is a malaysian.I personally dont know but i am sure i want the concept of a Malaysian is intangible unspeakable not defined by race culture or religion it is in a word Malaysian.
so,brother sister why are we fighting?


Monday, October 08, 2007

Who could have done this

So where was i .Oh yes the pervs of malaysia.It is most unfortunate circumstance that now lil chicks cant go anywhere withour getting raped or some thing.I mean honestly rape is something that is wrong infact it is the complete opposite of the boys menial titty flicking back in form 2.Its wrong a perversion of self rights.But then again we are in bolehland.Where semua boleh!Boleh rempit!Boleh bogel internet.Boleh rogol.So not to be racist but it is commonly well known the biggest bunch of rapist/bogel internet watchers are infact malay.Not that there are no chinese or indian rapist or incesters its just malays are more.Oops sorry the racist remark.I mean its a people problem not a race or religion thing is it?Or maybe it is i am not making every thing into a racist post but lets look at the facts shall we.
First thing i need to ask you would you stick this in to this little girl so far up until her intestestines rupture.I mean if the girl if this old and this fine and willing then dare i say it its erotic.No?
Well since most rapes come from malays let just look objectively of course on why?Its religion they followed this dude and this book that says "hey since the founder fucked his 'favourite' wife when she was nine and he was 41 why not we follow our great leaders examples and get some young pussy too"and therefore you get malau incest cases and child rapes and what not.Because some delusional middle east barbarian decided to write a book and fuck a young girl.
Finally got that of my back.Phew now i can stop my rant.Well I am a full supporter of the tagging of sex offenders in the country cause they deserve it for touching young girls and boys.Some say its harsh and it might stop their rehabilitation i say fuck it they deserve it for what unspeakble things they did.I pray that nurin's killer be found brought to justice and get their just rewards.

quote of the day
"Bocor?The batu gajah MP every month also bocor wat"
Datuk Abdul gila babi fatah


Friday, October 05, 2007

Back online

Now the schools blogosphere has been missing something these past 3 weeks.What can it be?The lack of the rauchy material ?The lack of controversy.The lack of reformation.The lack of sexyness.Well yes it is true people the blogosphere has suffered in my absence.For everyone who has been blogsurfing these past few weeks were only treated to the girls blogs as the boys took a backset.What do you get?Infitnite post on how cute anime guys are,chocolate and completely unverified comments on the male anatomy and of course perkiness!!!

So i after the trials and tribulations of PMR i am back to lead you reader from the blogging wilderness.You want controversy,the blunt truth,raunchy pictures,and the occasional parody.Fear no more i am back.Firstly we dint get to celebrate much watched somekind of shit show and played futsal.Reals celebration is on thursday.paintball anyone?

Well first things first i think it is my duty to tell you that we have yes dare i say it a revelation!Ever wondered why matthews is such a fucking bitch?Well search no more.Yours truly has infact found out the truth.IT happened on that fateful day.Goh was telling us and i quote"When mrs matthews was in university she and her friend did not mix around much so no one told them the exam timetable and they missed the entire exam"I mean how retarded is that.Poor matthews no wonder it just proves that she istn just a stict uptight principal she is just a bad person and a friendless bitch.Its proven remember the kid she slapped.So just goes to show why she hates us we have friends and a life maybe she is making us pay for what a bad childhood she had.

Anyways enough about her.She isnt worth the space on my blog.Where was I oh yes the blogosphere has lost its testosterone.Its so bad even right now they are having theory's on us males they miss us so much.As OH! kengyee says:

"Some are currently in denial, and this current turn of events is being played off as an insist that their shortcomings are not a far cry from their manhood, but a supposed - get this - "mere step away from chauvinism". A gentlemanly gesture? I think not."


"Quoted off the valued opinion of Oh Keng Yee, she said, "Well, if they weren't around, who would make us look good?"Sounds like a good enough reason for me."

some weird scientific theory

"The phenomena seems to be a result of increasing traces of female hormones found in the male counterparts as the x-chromosomes are overpowering the y-chromosomes, bringing on a whole new era of dominance. Members sporting the y-chromosomes are now seen cowering away from age old, unwritten male values, allowing their counterparts to take up the responsibility instead."

So, i am obliged by the male kind and due to boredom to give at least some retort so here is.........
Grow some boobs
Females are now losing their estrogen.It proven scientifically i swear it.The reason is it is not that we boys are becoming more girls ish.Its you girls that are getting the testosterone.There for sondeming the male population to girl-ishnes due to the fact you do not get us off anymore.I mean with no hot boobs or babes even to look at how to expectt our hormones to grow?So in reply to that why do we need girls?I mean we want to see thisNot this
So why dp we have girls?
"Because a sexdoll cant get you beer from the fridge"
I was about to blog about how degenarative malaysian society has become but alas time is not on my side.I will try to blog everyday now to make up for lost post so more on why malaysians are paedophiles next post.Oh shit went to graces blog apparently i cant rip this shit off but its waste of a post so sorry gracie really i didnt mean it.

quote of the day
"when you die i am going to stick a needle in to your dick"
Allyssa kong

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