Friday, March 27, 2009

Democracy is a stupid thing

Hey guys sorry for nearly and i mean nearly letting this blog die. ON the bright side my marks have improved in the exams. =) SO, anyway back to todays title democracy is a stupid. Well not really but i wrote it being the attention grabbing whore i am.Ok well so it has something to do with the title todays post has. I suppose this will be more light t hearted than usual as i am in a happy mood.So first on the chopping block is every ones favourite son-in-law Khairy Jamaludin.

So mr Khairy Jamaludin was has a sterling record of being the kings of mat cemerlang and mat rempits and now dare i say it UMNO youth chief. Aye mate the son in law is finally one step closer to becoming the prime minister of Malaysia by the age of 40 (bastard stole my ambition). What my problem besides him have an ass for a head? He won with 35 percent of the votes. Now you don't have to be an add maths teacher to tell that it 65 percent voted NOT to have him as their Chief. This is what happens in a 3 way fight the supporters of the other 2 candidates were either to busy bribing ,scratching their balls or whatever godforsaken act that are usually done in the UMNO general assembly. And that bastard Khairy from what i have known from his interviews cant even speak malay better than me a chinese cause he spent a good half of his life in England.

But the most disturbing fact is.... Mr Khir Toyo. Yes he didn't win but he is a known second generation Indonesian. Heck his father is from Indonesia. And the fucker can go around as scream Ketuanan Melayu when he is from Indonesia. Maybe before UMNO ask me to go back to China they should check their party for these pedatang asing who dare question my rights. Let me lay down the facts for you
1. Khir toyo= second generation Indonesian
2. Me= 5 th generation on my mums side and peranakan chinese on my dads
3. Khir toyo= Considered a pure blood Malay and is granted all the wonderfull effects of NEP.
4. Me= Pendatang asing who is constantly reminded that my citizenship is due to
the graciousness of the Bumiputras.
Me= What the fuck.

Next on the chopping blog is mr SINGH is KINGH yes we have all heard this incredibly cheesy and not to mention catchy Bollywood song sung by Snoop Dogg. But now of course a real singh in the Malaysian Parliament has gone and made it his theme song see here. now. Yes this is our parliament. Christ K gangs daily lunch time debates about porn has more decorum and maturity than this.
Good by Badawi thank you for being a spineless flip flop nice guy PM with all your empty promises and deranged son-in-law really i will miss you compared to who is coming next. Oh and yes Najib Razak is now UMNO president i.e Prime minister. Just great. We traded the village fool for a tyrant. In such a bad economical and political crisis who can be happy?

At least he is catching up on some sleep.

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