Tuesday, May 29, 2007

reduced to mediocracy

yes i noe i shouldnt be blogging when theres nothing to blog about.hmmm well intersting fact the last bath i took was on sunday morning.yeah the holiday mood is starting to set in.so out of amazing boredom i have now been bent by the pressures of the blogosphere.Yes people i am doing my very first tag in my nearly one year history.so here is the tag.remember yellow are my thoughts.

wont exlain it as i am the last one in this blogosphere to do it.

1.I love reading FEMALE and VOGUE and CLEO from my mothers in fact i have read 27 of them.Ijust love female mags dont you sooo thrashy.

2.I dont like to bath.Its not a hygene problem really but when you sit at home and do nothing you dont collect dirt anyway so whats the point?

3.I wish i could be a bit like paul finch.Go watch american pie.

4.I like to go around without my underwear.Dont worry people this is confined to my home and i have only done it twice to school.What i like a breeze in my pants

5.Wished i could be the greatest striker in the world who scored in every game and then become a sucessful manager.Hey everybody has fantasy.

6.Likes expensive colared clothes .I noe i always wear and love my torn diesels.

7.Thought god was a asshole when i 12.Hey its was a confusing time for everyone

8.Everyone knows i am anti-ketuanan melayu....How many of you know i my great grandmother was malay?So therefore i must be cursing myself.

Quote of the day
"Xian wei dont become anorexic.
Oh!keng yee on my weight


Sunday, May 27, 2007

where did mike go?

Where did he go?
Was he aprehended by JAIS for excessive non-melayu post?
Did MP Abu Bakar give him the "you tak suka you keluar dar malaysia".
Was he in hospital for extreme lacerations on his penis.

well no.but we in reference to peako were caught in a exam and of course blogger behaved like a bitch and did not let us in because we forgot out password and our internet was down due to a lightning storm hitting our house.But dont worry as we promise to give you a blow by blow report of our amazing holidays.

OK so now with that over i had to brave through..........

VERY VERY TOUGH exam questions
Question:why is it unsafe to leave your back up with your computer?
Answer:Because your grandfather will spoil it.

The dark lordMatthews
Oh sorry mind my hokkien.Here its how it went I had A fucking 40 degree fever so i did not come to school.Therefore i did not get my briefing so i did not know that i had to bring my ic number so i forgot.So then she says that its my fault so i will have marks cut from my paper.



whoooo sorry for the emoness.Anyway after the exam i went out and watched Blades of Glory which is really gay.Or maybe the fact i was sitting next to a gay john tay.Anyway tons of WMS students were there and john being a faggot had to go kacau the form 5 girls like a girl what a fag.

And also why is it to trisha and youli think its soooo dam cool to ride a merry go round thats shorter than them i mean shit.You dont bully little kids in to letting you ride a merry go round that you should have went on when you were 5 not 15.Some girls.

quote of the day
A so haiedric yap on matthews


Friday, May 11, 2007

conspiracy theory;wms style

The dark lord matthews lenghtens her evil arm across the inhabitants of middle earth wms students.As the prophecy once spoke of by the great prophet on the 22nd here . The propeht prophsied that one day the death of the 'man' will now unleash the floodgates of hell.The sith lord and her orcs qin xian and angeline have now extended control over all middle earth!as it was said

1 cams in the canteen domain of jimmy
1 cam in the chapel ,sanctuary of the holy
1 cam for the library place of lovers
1 cam for the football pitch home of"KAMU KAYU" shouters
1 cam on the form 5s residence of the elders
1 in the woodshop where wood fall
1 near the ladys for matthews lewds needs
and 1 com in the office to rule them and in darkness bind them

No one is safe from the eyes of the dark lord.No student shall be safe no rebel shall be free and freedom is stifled.This is the dark age of middle earth sorry i mean wms.We need to rise up againts this menace and fight for freedom for all hobbits.
sorry higher english always leaves me abit drained and poetically lame.
so here the real deal.Mrs. control-freak decided hey you know what peter is gone.I am actually in charge here now let me think on how to make my students lives more miserable.Then she thinks of something and then goes hmmmm those cameras from prison break look really cool and they do seem to curb the prisoners freedom maybe ill try that.......and heck while i am at it i ll put a camera next to the girls toilet to satisfy my urgesto make sure no one get raped.

True enough its an invasion of pivacy , supression in freedom of speech, and absolutely the worst thing to happen to the student body since emo music.Where the hell is V when you need him.Yes people the school is becoming a facist goverment and place of condemnation of all rights.I mean you know there is something truly wrong with in school where people cant dry hump without getting caught.Yes people with the new cameras it means no food fights no coke induced tantrums and certainly no titty flicking.And the situation is not helped by stupid form one who dare each other to give the one finger salute to the camera.

what we need to do is stand up to find our selves a hero.A rebel who cares not for authority.A person who is respected by the student body and feared by the dark lord.A leader{sanjay is curently not available as he is too busy being matthews bitch} a man with a thousands fist who will stand up and fight and say NO WE WILL NOT STAND for this.But when will this messiah come?that is the question but for now we settle for an uneasy peace being watched but beware for one day we will fight. as v once said

"the goverment should be afraid of the people"

quote of the day
"Dam i feel like i am in prison break"
Jun chuen on the new cams


Thursday, May 10, 2007

of alot of stuff trust me

MANCHESTER UNITED won the league.Weheeeeee.The cup has finally returned to where it finally belongs Old Trafford.Ferguson this is his 10th title in 15 years wohoo.
Now alll thats left is the fa cup final for the double.OH and weher was i yeah.

MALAY FUCKERS .......they fuck up everything now do they?
Not that i am racist but.One day my sister was nicely sitting in the car some malay fucker comes on a motor bike and grabs her school bag.She screams that its just her notes but they still it.Desperate malay fuck they steal a bunch of law notes and scare my sister.Now the goverment say that they are going to improve the standards of malay education by making everything into bahasa melayu and look where that got us......with a bunch of mat rempits bogel internet and ka bo.

And who the fuk deided there will be no manutd?What is the FAM's problem.Oh right they are run by malays which means of ourse our football will never improve as 8 out of 11 players on the field have to be malay no matter on how kayu they are.The FAM also decided that there will be no manutd on july 27th.WHY? you may ask well its because aparently it will take the glamour out of the AFC championships.Ok number one

1.Glamour what glamour?Puhlease the only way they are goin to fill the 80 thousand seat in bkt jalil is if manutd come.if they dont then u will have to make due with the players moms and thats if your lucky.
2.there are no games on the 27th so why dont we go manutd on afc off day.
3.10 out of 10 people says that they rather sit at home and tfk instead of going to watch a AFC match.
4.Lets face it malaysia will be out of the competition anyway by that stage.

oh right and soryy for updating so late itsbeause my fat ass is lazy dont worry it will be smaked to be better.
and now todays random picture.

quote of the day
"AFC cup what is that.A coffee cup


Friday, May 04, 2007

well theres still the premier league and

well manu chrashed out of the champions league. On the bright side so did chelsea
its so painful ok.but damit it also got intan into super PMS she nearly killed chin eu jin when he couldnt answer a question.example:WHY CANT YOU ANSWER THE DAM QUESTION.(bangs ruler really hard on table)ALWAYS SAY I DUNNO I DUNNO.screams her head off.

Nevermind the premier league and the FA cup is still ours.And next year well have hardgreaves and gerard opique it will boost us.

Quote of the day
"OMG you cheated on me with a guy!!!"
goh su ann on the weird bet we made with tim and after walking in on us dry humping


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