2 Malaysian idiots
MR.Lingams defence is..............................Sounds like me,looks like me but its not me but if it was me then i was drunk.And if i was drunk i was bullshitting.Its like me saying hey mrs matthews you know what? the guy that flipped the middle finger to Mr.low might sure look like and swear like me but its not me.If it was me i was drunk.And if i was then i didnt mean it.Which means i should get away unpunished shouldn't i?See the vid
AH lying deceitful bastard he is.I let you decide la.ITs digusting how our justice system is run but of course badawi is prime minister.Look at how manys times Lingam refers tot he Pm although it was mahathir at the time.See the simliarites?
Next up for the Malaysian idiot.Its the AP queen rafidah aziz.Yeah here goes the governement again criticizing us bloggers for speaking the truth here is what she said
" There will always be people who use blogs on the Internet to criticise the rapid economic growth achieved by the Government"
Isnt it a good thing?We use the internet because the coventional media is controoled by you.And why should we not criticize you? We pay you idiots through taxes.PLus the media does not criticize because they are all your dogs.And great economic growth? My fatass it is.For the malays only i suppose. How about the poor indians in sentul?plus i dont criticize the economy i crtitize the incompetence our BN idiots.
"Most of these bloggers belonged to or were associated with the Opposition."
Really, what do i look like to you?A fucking 16 year old member of DAP?And plus only jeffooi and a few other politicians who have blogs.The rest of us are just concerned how the government is destroying malaysia.
“In the past they do it in ceremahs and now they do it through the blogs. Their criticisms without properly backed facts are pure rubbish,”
Our criticism is backed without facts?Ironic isnt it that there were only 4000 people at BERSIH.Or the defaming of the oppositions through the newspaper?Or everything is ok fine and dandy with the people?OH yes rafidah we have stooped to your level i am sure of that.
The question is the anti-blog campaign has started again.This is an act of desperation they fear the power of the blog.Because if most bloggers or urbanites with nothing to do or deranged political fanatics or even a hormonally driven 16 year old. Then why care?They want to stem our growth.They want to keep us blinded.To keep us in "The Matrix" of lies is suppose.The malaysian people have awakened and freed their minds.And the power of BN has weakened.
Quote of the day
""If freedom of speech means anything at all, it is the freedom to say things that people do not want to hear"
George Orwell