Now the schools blogosphere has been missing something these past 3 weeks.What can it be?The lack of the
rauchy material ?The
lack of controversy.The lack of reformation.The lack of sexyness.Well yes it is true people the blogosphere has suffered in my absence.For everyone who has been blogsurfing these past few weeks were only treated to the girls blogs as the boys took a backset.What do you get?Infitnite post on how cute anime guys are,chocolate and completely unverified comments on the male anatomy and of course perkiness!!!
So i after
the trials and tribulations of PMR i am back to lead you reader from the blogging wilderness.You want controversy,
the blunt truth,raunchy pictures,and the occasional parody.Fear no more i am back.Firstly we dint get to celebrate much watched somekind of shit show and played futsal.Reals celebration is on thursday.paintball anyone?
Well first things first i think it is my duty to tell you that we have yes dare i say it a revelation!Ever wondered why matthews is such a fucking bitch?Well search no more.Yours truly has infact found out the truth.IT happened on that fateful day.Goh was telling us and i quote"When mrs matthews was in university she and her friend did not mix around much so no one told them the exam timetable and they missed the entire exam"I mean how retarded is that.Poor matthews no wonder it just proves that she istn just a stict uptight principal she is just a bad person and a friendless bitch.Its proven remember the kid she slapped.So just goes to show why she hates us we have friends and a life maybe she is making us pay for what a bad childhood she had.
Anyways enough about her.She isnt worth the space on my blog.Where was I oh yes the blogosphere has lost its testosterone.Its so bad even right now they are having theory's on us males they miss us so much.As OH! kengyee says:
"Some are currently in denial, and this current turn of events is being played off as an insist that their shortcomings are not a far cry from their manhood, but a supposed - get this - "mere step away from chauvinism". A gentlemanly gesture? I think not."and......
"Quoted off the valued opinion of Oh Keng Yee, she said, "Well, if they weren't around, who would make us look good?"Sounds like a good enough reason for me."
some weird scientific theory
The phenomena seems to be a result of increasing traces of female hormones found in the male counterparts as the x-chromosomes are overpowering the y-chromosomes,
bringing on a whole new era of dominance.
Members sporting the y-chromosomes are now seen cowering away from age old, unwritten male values, allowing their counterparts to take up the responsibility instead."
So, i am obliged by the male kind and due to boredom to give at least some retort so here is.........
Grow some boobs
Females are now losing their estrogen.It proven scientifically i swear it.The reason is it is not that we boys are becoming more girls ish.Its you girls that are getting the testosterone.There for sondeming the male population to girl-ishnes due to the fact you do not get us off anymore.I mean with no hot boobs or babes even to look at how to expectt our hormones to grow?So in reply to that why do we need girls?I mean we want to see this
Not this
So why dp we have girls?
"Because a sexdoll cant get you beer from the fridge"
I was about to blog about how degenarative malaysian society has become but alas time is not on my side.I will try to blog everyday now to make up for lost post so more on why malaysians are paedophiles next post.Oh shit went to graces blog apparently i cant rip this shit off but its waste of a post so sorry gracie really i didnt mean it.
quote of the day
"when you die i am going to stick a needle in to your dick"
Allyssa kong
Labels: skool diaries, the analogues of raging hormones